Nine weeks ago I started a fitness challenge. My husband was tired of hearing me say” I look fat in this,” So he told me straight but in love “well honey instead of complaining about it do something about it,” That’s why I love this man he has got a practical approach to life.
Last November I was pregnant again my youngest was only ten months old. I was a bag of mixed emotions after battling for a bit I accepted it as God’s will for my life if He wanted to add to our family .
As much as I love my children I enjoy going out to work. Then I suffered yet another miscarriage I was devastated. I ‘ll share more with you on steps to dealing with loss the biblical way. Three months had lapsed and people were still asking when was the baby due, which just opened up a can of worms all over again each time. Anyway in February after that life changing yet simple conversation I started to walk 20mins a day after dinner and doing a pitiful 5 push ups and 5 sit ups a day. By March I got extra time off work so I upped the antics to 1 mile a day 5 days a week doing 50 sit ups a day. I was doing so well consistently. The whole family got in on the action and we joined the local gym in May and purchased a Nintendo Wii fit.
Presently this is what i do, I am not a physician or nutritionist and I’m not paid to endorse any products this is what works for me.
Always seek medical advice before embarking on any diet or lifestyle change!
I go to the gym once a week for 1 hour
I do 2 Zumba sessions per week (if you don’t know girl you betta ask sumbdy! Makes me wanna slap yo mama fun times lol)
1 LBT Legs Bums and Tums class
100 sit ups 6 days a week
Not only that I’m drinking 8 glasses or more a day,I don’t eat past 6:30pm, I’m in bed by 11:30pm and I’m gardening, staying away from fried foods,cakes and soda
I don’t starve myself just smaller portions I eat what I want in line with the biblical standards and yes you will be surprised the bible has alot to
say on what we eat and drink . I’ve written an article called Food for thought“
Now enough background information Every Tuesday I’ll be weighing myself and reporting to You on this page. So I welcome you to Weigh in Tuesdays
Since the the real start in May I weighed 10 stones 6 pound. Now I am happy to report I’ve lost 1 stone 2 pounds. I am no longer overweight in my BMI. I am in the ideal healthy range. I now weigh just over 9 stones. I’ll post some pics soon, also you will see from my videos the weight loss.
If you are overweight first off be honest with yourself then get off your behind and make a start today.
Just remember Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things in Christ who strengthenth me
Tuesday 6th July 2010
Ten weeks now into my Fitness Weightloss Journey. I am happy to report I lossed 2 llbs since last Tuesday. My excercise regime altered slightly last week I did a 20 20 class before I did Zumbas so that was 2 hours of hard work. I also did Zumba the following day and 1hour gym work out
I replaced LBT with 3 hours walking 6miles over 3 days. I also kept up with my sit ups and water intake.
We had a fellowship lunch at church which I had one slice of chocolate cake but stuck to my small portion of food Yeah me! Selfcontroll is hard to come by especially in social situations. Except now that I have surpassed my original goal of getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight I am going to keep going to see if I can go back to the weight I was before the children. Which is 11lb away I Think But don’t quote me on that. So please keep me in your prayers that I will stay motivated. This week my schedule has changed at work so I’m doing more hours so no time for the gym so I will have to work out at home.
I have something to confess to you ladies. I have never learned how to ride a bike so it s been one of my goals for 2010. There are ofcourse lots of benefits to this its greener, It means more weightloss and strength and toning vital muscle groups and the like. Anyway one of the downsides of going out to work is you miss out on milestones in our children lives. So on the weekend I came home and saw the most miraculous thing my Three year old climbed onto her bicycle. As I reached to steady her she pedalled off.I was shocked I stood there for minute or two jaw dropped as she rode effortlessly on and on.
I recovered and squealed with delight for my husband to come see this miraculous thing. He informed me she had done it before. My older daughter and the next door neighbours daughter had been working with her for a few days unbeknownst to me. Well some righteous indignation filled me and I summoned the older daughter to bring out her bicycle . There was no way I was going to be upstaged by my three year old afterall if she can do it so can I .
So I practiced for 3 hours and sustained bruises and cuts and some neighbours even came out to laugh and cheer me on. Now I can’t ride fully yet but I ‘m getting there. In this journey called life I know God is there cheering us on telling us get up again and try again. We don’t have to listen to the devil’s lies that we are useless, fat, ugly, good for nothing ,stupid can’t quit the cigarretts or the drug of choice. So next week I’ll post a video of me making a fool of myself Next weigh in Tuesday but for now enjoy this song. By Donnie Mcclurkin and be blessed this week.
Much love to you all as you make your homes a place where angels can dwell.
Tuesday 13th July 2010
Well Its that time of the week again its weigh in Tuesday. I had a really busy and stressful week at work. I managed to sneak in a 1hour gym work out and 45 minute aqua aerobics back to back on Friday. Now I have been meaning to try it for a while. Go! Me! Finally I did, If you have any misconception that it is for the over 50+ age group and it does nothing for you in terms of weight loss. I can tell you now I tried it, It is a hard work out , I was tired by the end of it. The things you take for granted on dry land not so in a swimming pool.
For instance as simple as a jumping jacks or lunges. Its 5x more difficult in water because of the extra resistance you are against. I found out also it is about how much you put into it you will get out. I was a model pupil I actually followed the instructor to the letter and actually felt the burn where I was supposed to.
Time for another confession, Seems like every Tuesday I’m laying out my business, lol. I know i grew up on an island surrounded by water but ……. (pregnant pause) I never learned how to swim. There It’s out. (a hushed silence falls over the crowd)
So I have purchased my eldest and my self some lessons. It starts this Friday so please pray for me. (she says in a meek and quiet voice)
I am also hoping to incorporate this vitally important life skill be that as it may into my new healthy lifestyle regime. Eventually as the funds become available and time permitting I will get my 3yr old and my 17month old some lessons as well. AQUA Aerobics is great fun all in all and suitable for both swimmers and if you are like me a nonswimmer could join in and harness the health benefits too. So find out from your local gym/leisure centre near you today.
So back to point I managed my 100 situps 4 out of 7 days last week. I managed on average 5 1/2 glasses of water a day last week. I know its bad but an incident occured at work that left me in tears and you know how it is body and mind there has to be a balance.
So drum roll please……… I lost 1 pound this week. That means I am 10 pounds away from my goal.
Now I know I said I would do a video of me on my daughters bicycle. I will work on it as homework and have it up either Friday or at the very latest next weigh in Tuesday. Apparently, My neighbour’s 12 year old son enquired of my husband as to my progress. I was at work when this conversation transpired. The answer is no I’ve been to busy with work and filming a new video series comming soon. ( she winks knowingly)
Till next time ladies.
God bless You as you make your home a place where angels can dwell
Tuesday 20th July 2010
I just got back in the house from a 2 mile walk and immediately did 110 sit ups. The extra 10 because because I ran into my friend Katriona down the street and she gave me 2 flavours of brownies and a marshmallow covered chocolate cupcake. (mmmmmmn) Her mum Hellen is great in the kitchen.
I managed to do my situps 5 out 7 days this week. I did 45 mins in the gym 2 Zumba classes and 20 /20/20.
20/20/20 class incorporates a mixture of both cardio and strength exercises. The moves maximise fatburning and improves your cardiovascular fitness. It is fantastic if you are like me and want an all round work out. It is broken down into 20 minutes increments, so at one point we were lifting weights then jumping on mini trampettes and were using steps and doing aerobics routines. It was a mixed ability class so you get out what you put into it. I ever the overachiever was following the advance level steps and at one point i was doing it all at once I think . LOL
I did my first swimming lesson on Friday It went well I think. (YAY ME!) I put so much pressure on myself and was soo nervous I suffered a very painful muscle spasm in my leg. The swimming instructor was really supportive and good about it. She helped me to relax in the water and stay calm. I managed by the end of the class to swim the length of the pool doing a front paddle I’ll have to ask the name of the technique next next week as I’ll be away this Friday.
The class was very small and intimate about 5 of us I think it helps. The session was one hour long and will
last 12 weeks, Only cost me the lovely discounted price of £25. Once I get going I’ll be able to incorporate this into my new healthy living lifestyle regime.
This week I was really busy at work with kids etc and I shot about 3 videos this week on product reviews and technology or else I would have done more.
This week I actually lost another 1pound that means I need to lose nine pounds to reach my new goal weight.
As promised here is a video of me learning to ride dont laugh at me please ,do laugh with me. Sometimes you just have to remeber to LAUGH OUT LOUD. Hey even the bible supports me on this.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Proverbs 17:22
God bless You as you make your home a place where angels can dwell.
In His Grip
Tuesday 27th July 2010
I was a very naughty girl this past week. I thought about not filing this weigh in Tuesday but my husband said no, tell the truth. So here is the truth. Last week I did not go to the gym. I managed on average 3 glasses of water a day. I did 200 situps 4/7 days .
I did however do 2 workouts on video that were 30mins each. I ate fried eggs and lots of cheese for breakfast every morning. Where as normally I would have nuts, fresh fruit and branflakes. For dinner I had fish everynight whereas normally I would have fish once a week.
I took aeroplanes ,boats ,taxii’s and lifts everywhere I went. You guessed it already? My husband had a last minute business trip to Malta . Yes that beautiful sundrenched island in the meditaranean . At first we assumed he would be going on his own. Two days before hand poor me had to pack organise and shop for the whole family.
The company he works for paid for all our expenses. I’m so ashamed because I was pleading with the Lord in prayer that I could have a break, but I knew we couldn’t afford to.
This year we didnt go camping or our annual trip to Prestatyn Wales for camp meeting due to lack of funds. I tend to forget that I am a daughter of the King, My God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, The earth is his footstool, in the heavenly city he lives in the streets are paved with Gold.
Suddenly I am humbled and ashamed for putting limitations on God with my finite mind. I am reminded of the cost of it all with this text:
This is a faithful saying,and worthy of all acceptation,that Christ Jesus came into the worldto save sinners;of whom I am chief.
1 Timothy 1:15
Paul saw that he was a great sinner, but he also saw that Christ was a great Saviour. My prayer
this week is that I can see God the way Paul saw him. This week I gained 4 pounds which takes me back to being 13 pounds away from my goal weight. Next week I will be playing catch up and working hard by God’s grace I will be reporting significant weightloss.
As always I will leave you with a favourite text we have in our family
Philiapians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me
If you too are experiencing weight gain or are about to give in to temptation let Christ strengthen you too. It makes me smile when God puts a new meaning to texts in the Bible and makes it living to us don’t you?
God bless You as you make your home a place where angels can dwell
Tuesday 3rd August 2010
This weight loss thing is painful but dont let that put you off though. I lossed 3 pounds this week. Let me share with you what I did. The very next day after I got off the scales I did 1 hour work out in the gym followed by 20/20/20 then Zumba and that was the typical week I had. For five days I just took whatever aerobics class that was on offer so I ‘ve tasted a few new ones like pilates and step aerobics.
Yesterday I did LBT class followed by 1 hour 30 minutes in gym then sauna and shower as a treat. I also did 100-150 sit ups 7 out of 7 days last week. I had a pulled muscle in my lower back and in both my calves at the end of it all . Note to self go easy or you’ll hurt yourself.
As it was payday on Friday I treated myself to a hydrotherapy full body massage. I was a bit sceptical at first .The next day I woke up I still had some pain but by Sunday all pain had vanished.So I can’t wait til next pay day.
Thats it from me this week I’m off to gym in a bit .
God bless You as you make your home a place where angels can dwell
Tuesday 10th August 2010
This past week has been a little annoying as my trusty 10 year old Zafira has broken down.The raidiator is leaking,The AC is gone,Front panel lights are gone, radio is gone, anti roll bars need replacing? The hydraulics on the gear box and clutch is in need of replacemnent. There I think that is it. Ladies I ain’t a mechanic.
So to get to work all week I have had to walk 3 miles everyday then catch a train. Only respite I get is if my friend Katriona gives me a ride in. Boohoo. On Friday I had to get up at 5am make breakfast and dinner do some laundry then walked 1 mile to the station. Then at the station I caught a bus to the gym for my 8am swim lesson. Straight After I did 1 hour pilates then 30 mins in the gym. Aside from Friday I have had to cancel all my classes even Zumba.
This morning I got up at 6:45am to walk my usual 2miles to the river front even though it was pouring down with rain. I ate some wild rasberries on the way back. They were so delicious. Anyway the moment we’ve all been waiting for I stepped on the scales this weigh in Tuesday and I have lost 2 Pounds. Only 6 more pounds to go. I celebrated with a nice healthy breakfast of almonds,cashews ,raw carrots strawberries , mango(mmmnn) and all bran . I’ll post a picture later for you to see.
So I’ve learnt that if I find the time to schedule public transport and walking to work I can burn just as many calories for free rather than in the gym.
So if you too are unable to join the gym try cutting down your car journeys only use it for grocery shopping , specicial occasions or for really long journeys and you will watch the pounds slide off. Also try taking the stairs instead of the lift or park the car further away from the Supermarket doors.
I normally have Zumba on a Tuesday night but the car is still down and my daughter has swim lessons too at the other branch.What to do?
I thought I’d share…..keep smiling
Here is the more choreographed professional cut
God Bless you ladies this week as you make your homes a place where angels can dwell.
In His Grip
Friday 20th August 2010
I aplogise for this report being late.Well this is just a quick update to fill you in on whats been going on with me since last time. I’ve had a stressful busy week. A wet mobile phone ,car broken down an impending deadline thats all I’m willing to reveal. I’ll perhaps write a testimony about that someday.
I managed to get to Zumba and 20/20/20 this week and a total of 2 hours in the gym. I have been trying to watch what I eat as well. I’m happy to report I have lost 1 pound. Thats only 5 pounds more to go. From next week I hope to up my game. Its so important to set goals and remind ourselves to stay focused on that path to it. I feel a text comming on dont you……
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of
witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin
which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with
patience the race that is set before us,
Hebrews 12:1
God Bless you ladies this week as you make your homes a place where angels can dwell.
In His Grip
Tuesday 31st August 2010
Last week was another busy week. With no transport and the rainy BRITISH weather
I was unable to get to the gym.I did alot of walking and running everywhere.
Then midweek my husband suggested I ‘d try out my cycling skills to and from
the station to get to work. It was a bit scary UK motorists aren’t very patient.
I learned alot about the many provisions made by local councils for cyclists.
Its a whole other world I was unaware of.
I wanted to tell you about why it’s so important to have the appropiate
safety gear.I needed to get to my 8am swim lesson I decided to cycle
to and from the station to get to my class. On my way back to the station I was so enjoying going down a
hill at full speed. My handlebar brushed a railing and I lossed controll of
my bicycle. I went flying over the front of the handlebars flipped over
and banged my head .In the process I ripped my trainers. Had I not been wearing knee pads, elbow pads and gloves
It could have been worse. So I’ve been taking it easy
.I was very naughty, I ate some of my comfort food and gained 3 pounds. I could literally feel it piling on
so I got on the scales to confirm what I already knew.
I’ve been getting back into training mode and I stepped on the scale today and
found I’d lost 2 pounds so I am back to being 6pounds away from my goal weight and I’m hoping to achieve that before 32 days.
God Bless you ladies this week as you make your homes a place where angels can dwell.
In His Grip
Tuesday 7th September 2010
I Just got back from the gym tonight ,I did 1 hour in the gym and 1 hour Zumba. Last week I managed 2 out of 7 days doing my 100 sit ups. On average 4 out of 8 glasses per day. I started my week off with the best intentions.(smile)I made it to two Zumba sessions last week ,1 pilates class and 2 hours in the gym. However by the end of the week I just kind of let it all go.
I hosted a little ladies tea party on the weekend. I made all sorts of homemade cookies, cakes and pastries. Needless to say, I thought it rude not to partake(lol) So I stepped on the scale and no surprises I only lost 1 pound this week. Which means I have to lose 5 more pounds and the time on my schedule is ticking away. Eek!
There will be even more pressure on me as my schedule is changing yet again.After much prayer and discussion with my husband as a couple we’ve decided to like the eldest to also take on the challenge of homeschooling our 3yr old . She has just started kindergarten on the homeschooling programme yesterday. She is really enthusiastic and is really getting to grips with it all.
The 1 yr old is also trying to copy as well. The down side is they need constant supervision and motivation. I also have to keep tabs on the eldest who is more interested in the work the younger ones are doing than her own work. Which means a rethink with my excercise regime and definately cutting back on hours at work. I thank God I have flexible employers.
God Bless you ladies this week as you make your homes a place where angels can dwell.
In The Masters Service
Tuesday 14th September 2010
I really tried this week to keep up with my work out schedule . I lost 1pound this week leaving me with just 4 more pounds to go. I managed 6 out of 8 glasses of water per day.I managed to do 2out 7 days of my 100 sit ups. I can definately see an improvement in my stoamach area. I had alot of video editting to do and articles to write and I’m now homeschooling two of my children. The younger one requires constant supervision. I’ve also been going to work. So busy,busy,busy.
God Bless you ladies this week as you make your homes a place where angels can dwell.
In The Masters Service
Tuesday 2nd November 2010
I just got back from an above rubies family retreat.I just needed some time away from all the crazy stuff that has been going on in my life lately.
Despite the crazy stuff I still clung to the new habits I had developed. Ie N0 Mid- night snacking, No eating past 7pm, No tea/coffee or other caffinated drinks 5/8 glasses water a day . If I couldnt make it to the gym. I walked or did my routine situps and made it to a minimum of 2 gym classes . I started to pack for the trip to Rockuk Whitaugh Park Scotland (CHECK IT OUT FOR ACTIVITY PACKED HOLIDAY ADVENTURE) It was simply beautiful. It was then I realised nothing could fit me. I hadnt realised that I had actually surpassed my goal weight and I wasn’t even overthinking it. I have gone from a size14/16 dress size down to a size 10. I haven’t weighed myself yet but I will soon
God Bless you ladies this week as you make your homes a place where angels can dwell.
In The Masters Service
Tuesday 15th February 2011
I have been so busy with home improvements,prison ministry and of course the holidays that I have nt been able to update you guys on my weight loss. I’ve been writing articles and poetry and shooting videos please check out my latest article entitled sssshh it features two of my latest videos. I have a special treat for you today its a combination of weightloss update and a fashion haul. I have been just working on maintenace as I have reached my goal weight now. So I just go to the gym 2hours a week and my Friday morning swimminglesson. Eating still vegetarian and smaller portions. I have a fellow blogger friend who has been inspired by what she has read here and is going to be posting her weight loss .Her name is Jo over at Pioneer Country
God Bless you ladies this week as you make your homes a place where angels can dwell
In His Grip