The Following video is brought to you by  For one time only I’ll be letting you read a very private page in my prayer jounal to God. I made this video to illustrate  one aspect of prayer,  the concept of the article below, So enjoy. Please feel free to share

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Neglect the exercise of prayer, or engage in prayer
spasmodically, now and then, as seems convenient,
and you lose your hold on God. The spiritual
faculties lose their vitality,
 the religious experience lacks health and vigor. Pr 13.

We all remember where we were on that fateful day September 11 2001. My heart goes out to
the survivors and the surviving families whose lives will never be the same again.
 From across the pond here in the U.K  I observed a most  strange phenomenon
  in the U.S media . People who are otherwise godless or secular in their views were suddenly
talking about God. Even praying, openly? This at a time when schools aren’t allowed to have prayer,
ten Commandment being taken out of courthouses, A Heated debate brewing over how to remove the poignant
 words on their money IN GOD WE TRUST.
I am not baffled by A nation founded on Judeo Christian principles distancing themselves from their
 Nation’s core foundations because in Bible prophecy a vision was unfolded on the
 island of Patmos to John The revelator, A discussion for another blog posting perhaps.


Prayer is defined by the oxford dictionary as being ,  ” a request for help or expression of
 thanks made to GOD or a god”
I like to think of it as a connection forged between heaven and earth similar to that of a
mobile phone .It doesn’t have to be used only in case of emergency or crisis but can be used to
 just touch base and just say thank you and show some love. I’ve even heard it described as talking to God
as one would a friend.

Now that may be challenging if Like Richard Dawkins you see him as vengeful ,homicidal,
jealous and being angry at you for the wrongs you’ve actually carried out.
The good news is that s not a valid reason to pray. He may not like the things you
may have said done or omitted to do, He still loves every hair on your head.

Most people think of prayer as an activity we do on our knees, heads bowed reverently
,hands clasped and eyes closed. Not true my friend. I’ve prayed sitting down on the train to
work. I’ve prayed lying in bed  in the morning or at night. My friend I’ve even fallen asleep whilst praying.
 I used to feel quite guilty about that but the Holy spirit revealed to me that its a wonderful way to fall asleep.
In truth and in fact until the early part of this year, I thought I had to pray and do devotions at the
 same time everyday in the same place in the same position. I used this as an excuse to not do exercise,
 until it was revealed to me I could pray while walking out in nature with God. At times I journal my prayers so that I can remember how I felt,the thoughts I had,the emotions I was feeling in a situation and then in a time of doubt,despair and faltering I can look back at how faithful God has been in the past and will forever be.

You may ask “should you pray out loud or just in your mind” I say do what you are okay with.
 It depends on the circumstances but from time to time I pray both ways.

What should you be praying for? The sky is the limit . Think of what your needs are
 and ask HIM to provide them in the way He sees best. You could perhaps pray for the things
you want but can get by without. You can talk about your problems any worries illness financial
difficulties etc that you have.
You could pray for the leaders in your church or in the government. Maybe even the important people
 in your circle neighbours friends co workers even family members you may or may not get along with

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do,
 that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:13



There are four notable conditions or hindrance to prayer being answered that I can think of .
 They include marital discord, unbeleief,unforgiveness or having not confessed all sins known or unknown

Husband and wife : If there is marital discord in the home it can be a hindrance to answered prayer


Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge,
 giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs
 together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

1 Peter 3:7

If someone is ill or in strife the prayer of a righteous man can bring healing. It is conditional
 though one must,  confess your sins first and ask forgiveness
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for
 another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a
 righteous man availeth much. 

James 5:16

Read also Proverbs 15:29

Examine our Father Prayer it is self less  It also covers forgiveness and confessing our sins in it.
 It is recorded for us in Mathew 6:9-13


Group or corporate prayer is quite potent Read Matthew 18 19-20 and Peters miraculous Jail break Acts 12:4-17

Heaven moves when we pray see Hezekiah story. He was on his death bed when he prayed and God spared his life
 and offered him a reprieve read the power of prayer 2 Kings 20:1-21
Daniel didn’t understand what he read in the book of Isaiah concerning the prophecies so he prayed.
Heaven dispatched angel Gabriel s before we even think to pray Read The Story in full. Daniel 9:1-23

I feel  a testimony comming on! hold me back just hold me back(lol)
At times examples in the Bible  may seem abstract so I feel lead by the Spirit  to share a prayer I had
 and its outcome.

Standing in the middle of my living room was my daughters head mistress, a social worker ,
two LEA Representative
“Is that your final answer Mrs_”
I rubbed my swollen belly absentmindedly but I knew I had to let go and take a leap of faith and trust God.
Later that evening my husband and I knelt in prayer. We prayed fervently that the requests I had made to the
 councils representatives that God would supply.

  I needed monetary funds to pay for supplies
  I wanted music lessons
  I wanted language lessons
  I wanted swim lessons or a free leisure centre pass.
  Most of all we needed a strong curriculum that was Christian based 
and had character building values that would undo the damage done by the school.

I thought this was a tall order. Some of the requests took three years but
God answered each one  of them at the right time. I  was startled  on some occasions
at how  miraculously and mysteriously
HE answered some of these requests. Some it took me a while, months even to recognise God’s hand in this.
That day in my living room over three years ago I made a list of requests to a mere council of men and
 was refused with a flat unceremonious, unemotional NO. My God saw fit to supply all those needs.
The text I prayed in that situation

 And we know that all things work
 together for good to them that love God,
  to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

The other text we stood in agreement in prayer as a couple was

 But my God shall supply all your need according
 to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19


When we pray we need to BE SPECIFIC  and we need to have faith that HE will do what HE says in
His Word-The Bible  in HIS own perfect time. Of all the request the curriculum request
was granted within 24hours.


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