Clean & Green

 Clean & Green

Now I am not a scientist but as the following text suggests I like to at the very least keep myself informed.I feel it is my responsibility to educate  my family and myself. If it helps my sharing this post with you then praise be to God.

“Study to  shew  thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2Timothy 2:15

It’s impossible to know all there is to know about how long term build up of chemicals in our homes (and bodies) can affect our health. For example, research has suggested a link between household chemicals and asthma (click here for more info:

There is alot of information freely available to the public ,especially on the cleaning products used in the home
I have taken the liberty of including a few links to  sites that may be of some interest to you – along with information on how to minimise your own environmental impact.If you would like more information about the chemicals used in your home, check out Greenpeace’s website at

and in particular, their Chemical House website at

Sustainable Stuff- Providing information and advice on how to live a cleaner, greener life.


Planet Green is filled with solutions-oriented tips and information that can help you make your life a little or a lot greener.

Why should the Christian care about the environment? Some may say God is going to come soon and destroy this earth and create a new heaven and a new earth. As if that absolves us of the responsibility, we must all do our part. I will tell you why.

“…and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets,
and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great;
shouldest  destroy them which  destroy the  earth.

Mankind is a steward over the earth and there will be a day of reckoning.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle, and over
all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. “

Genesis 1:26

Mankind was given dominion over the earth and everything in it once God created it.
I hear you ask does the world belong to man in that case?

“The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof;
the world, and they that dwell therein.


Read also Psalms 115:16, Genesis 1:28, Genesis 2:15

In conclusion stewardship in your everyday  life is a big job and may seem intimidating. It calls for commitment and requires a change in a person’s life. What does God advise?
“My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways. ”

Proverbs 23:26


Only when Christ dwells in us can we live a life principled as set out in the bible.

God Bless you all

: Introducing my latest video series in Cleaning which I will be releasing every fortnight from August till September 2010. Just bringing you the practical ways I live green.
I like to try new things so if you have some tips or recipes you’d like me try or to produce a videos on drop me comment below or email us at

Tuesday 3rd August 2010

This all-purpose cleaner is chemical free and is completely natural. It is cheap, quick and easy to make. I use it on mirrors ,bathroom and kitchen surfaces. Its antibacterial, it deodorises,antifungal and has a pleasant smell. It is gentle on the skin for those who have allergies,excema etc

Tuesday 17th August 2010

 Carpets in your home? Then this instructional video is just for you.This is a 2in1 carpet cleaner and deodoriser. You can sprinkle some evenly on your smelly carpets leave for 30-40 mins then vacuum. Secondly  for spills and stains just spray some vinegar or use the all-purpose solution I demonstrated in episode 1  above this post and rub gently to remove stains.

 Tuesday 31st August 2010

How to solve the problem of heavily  limescaled taps and keep them looking shiny and brand new.

 Tuesday 7th September 2010

Detergents 101

To make homemade detergents there are  a few things to consider . Firstly what are you wanting to achieve.

 Do you need it for washing in a machine or are you washing by hand?

 If so are you or your family members allergic or have sensitive skin.

 Aesthetics, do you want it to smell nice.

Price how much do want  to spend on the ingredients?

 If you have children or a blue collar worker ie a mechanic Is stainremoval high on the list etc.

Do you want the detergent in powder form or liquid form?

 Now here is the scientific bit about detergents!

Detergents as in this case the powdered variety : made for use with water, often include different components such as:
1OXIDANTS (oxidizers) for bleaching, disinfection, and breaking down organic compounds
2WATER SOFTENERS  to counteract the effect of “hardness” ions on other ingredients
3Substances to modify pH or to affect performance or stability of other
 ingredients, acids for descaling or caustics to break down organic compounds
4Preservatives to prevent spoilage of other ingredients
5Surfactants significantly lower the surface tension of the liquid being used to clean such as water, this then allows
the stain being cleaned to be lifted and dispersed and then washed away.
6Ingredients to reduce harm or produce benefits to skin, when
the detergent is used by bare hand on inanimate objects or used to clean skin


Tuesday 21st September 2010

This actually works for me. I no longer use commercially available toothpaste. If I am forced to take a tube say on a weekend trip or an overnight stay I use Kingfisher natural toothpaste which can be purchased from all good health food stores, like Nutri Centre, Apple Jacks, Holland and Barret. However I purchase mine from athealthlife

 Tuesday 30th November 2010

This is one I use rarely.It is just handy to know how to be self sufficient as we just dont know how crazy this economic crisis is going to get. It makes the house smell like Christmas especially if you add cinnamon sticks. Reminds me of my gran aunt Emily.

 If you do use tea tree oil for its antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, please note oil and water don’t mix so to benefit from this oil you must add witch hazel which is alcohol-based  so it can be absorbed and also for its preservative qualities. I keep it in the refridgerator to help preserve it too.

 Friday 25th February 2011

This is a multipart presentation I did on Bleach, airfreshner and Disinfectants as a guest speaker. I state the latest factson these seemingly innocuous cleaning agents we use on a daily basis. It includes other top tips I have personally tried that you may want to grab a paper and pen to write them down. Please spread the news to other friends of yours

Friday 4th March 2011

As promised here is the second part to the presentation

Friday 23rd September 2011

 It’s been sometime since I updated this section of this blog so I thought  I would give you the heads up essential oils incase you didn’t get the memo. Here are a few ideas on how and what to use them for around the house.
There are many good books that can provide in depth
ideas but you can start here with these basics.

Facial Steam:
A few drops (5 or 6) in a bowl warm water or
 in facial steamer would provide deep cleansing.

Aromatherapy Skincare:
Add a few drops of a good essential oil to your regular
 cream or a vegetable oil and stir in properly till it is thoroughly mixed, some essential oils are very good for the skin.
 Lavender, Rose, Geranium, Chamomiles, Rosewood, Frankincense etc

Skin Massage Oil
Apply a few drops of an oil blend of vegetable oil
mixed with an oil such as rosemary, pink grapefruit, lavender Essential oils to moisten a
natural bristles brush and brush in upward strokes all over the body. (10 drops in 2 tbsp of veg oil)

Sinus and bronchial Inhalation:
5 to 7 drops to a bowl of steaming hot water,
 Create a towel tent over your head, close your eyes and inhale
 until water cools or until you stop smelling the oil.

Add from 5 to 9 drops Essential Oil to the water of the humidifier and run.

Bath Relaxation:
Add 5 to 10 drops in a tub of warm water and disperse in the water.
 You can also add to spoonful of honey, a small cup of milk or cream, or vegetable oil and add to the water.

For topical application to ease pain, strained muscles,
menstrual cramps, etc. Add 4 – 7 drops of the oil to a bowl of warm water.
Soak towel in and wring out excess and apply to area, repeat when cloth cools.

Add to light oil such as fractionated coconut oil or hydrosol
(floral water) and spritz on face and all over body. You will need
 to add about 8 to 10 drops of Essential oil to 100ml of carrier(hydrosol pr oil).
Shake vigorously and spritz each time to use. Water spritzers can be used as room sprays also.
Bath Salts:
Add 6 – 10 drops of oil to Epsom Salts or Sea Salt add to warm bath .

Add teaspoon of lemon Essential oils to help remove grease and oily smells,
 lavender to scent bed linens and Eucalyptus to help destroy bed buggers/mites.

General Cleaning:
Add lemon, grapefruit bergamot,citronella or Tea tree to
the water you use to clean around the house. To help kill germs etc,
lemon especially helps with bathroom mirrors and kitchen grease.

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