Ten Things for breastfeeding

Breast Feeding Positions

Breast Feeding Positions

Monday 9th January 2012 Please permit me to give a preface as to why I am reposting this article from yahoo news and how I have
chosen to get arround this.My Son was born in October 2011 at home weighing in at a healthy 6lbs 9.5 oz. By Day 4 I had a different midwife
visit me than my usual one.She told us that our son had lost 13 per cent of his birth weight and that we
had to take him in to the childrens ward. It totally ruined our Sabbath.
I had to beg my friend Gillian to watch the girls for me.
To cut a long story short after finally being allowed to go home after 5 hours

They found he was actually just spot on the allowable 10 per cent loss.
I knew he was fine because one he wasn’t showing signs of d
ehydration ie a sunken spot on the head ,
he was peeing and pooing ,he was alert not floppy. What gets me is
the accusatory tone of these health proffessionals.

My other bug-a-boo was that ALL fully breastfed infants lose weight as
breast milk is more digestable and passes through quickly and point two
My full milk only  came down about 11 hours before. The first few days it is colostrum that baby gets.Also the midwife was a day early she was meant to come on the Sunday
but was doing her co-worker a favour and mixed up the day.
At the hospital they wanted to force us to give our son their baby formula.
I was prepared this time I had some powdered soya infant formula to tide him over
and to keep them happy. Also I noticed he was having some problems
latching on so I had gotten some breast feeding tips from one of my church sisters
who was formerly in that profession because I had concerns that he might be losing some weight .
We looked into his mouth and discovered he had a slight tongue tie.
When I showed it to that midwife and the hospital they told me it wasnt
severe and I should wait till my 6-8week check up with my GP.It just made me wonder if it has anything at all to do with money,
meeting quotas and politics.
This experience for a first time mum can be quite daunting.
I just want  to post my story just incase it may help some one out there.

My son will be having the procedure done in February 2012. I  have been increasing my milk flow by
taking BLESSED MILK THISTLE expensive but worth every penny.This plant has been use for centuries
around the world for this purpose,infact thats

how it got its name yet for some reason the bottle says not suitable for pregnant or lactating women.
Pharmaceutical companies want us to trust their chemicals than trust The Creator that says:

He causeth the grass to grow
for the cattle, and herb
for the service of man: that he may
bring forth  food out of the earth;
Psalms 104:14
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you already know, I am a vegetarian.  I eat calcium rich foods like brocoli,spinach etc.
 I have been having my green smoothies but just adding SPIRULINA .
I am as you already know a fan of dried red raspberry and nettle.
 Absolute must have for the woman in her Childbearing years


Galactagogues – Increases Milk Supply
The following herbs have been proven safe and effective for
the increase of a healthy milk supply.  Research each herb thoroughly before you use.
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Blue Vervain (Verbena off.)
Blessed Thistle (Carbenia benedicta)
Hops (Humulus lupulus)
Marshmallow (Althea off.)
Here  are two videos on breastfeeding below that you may find useful:

General Advice from a mum of four:


At present I make a formula that is safe ,high in nutrients from Quinoa. It is suitable from birth. You can find it in the whole food section of Tesco. I purchased mine in Cosco. At 6 months Almond milk is safe.
However breast is ALWAYS BEST. See my page to see: how I make almond milk .
Quinoa is a non-hybridized grain . Rich in protein ,iron and essential amino acids and is easily digested
It is IMPORTANT to wash thorougly to get rid of SAPONIMS which can be bitter tasting,
just use the same method as in the rice milk video. Dispose after 3 days any unused formula.
The use of baby formula as the primary method of infant feeding has exploded
in popularity over the past few decades.
Formula has become increasingly healthier in recent years with
the addition of chemicals like DHA and lutein, both of which are naturally found in human milk.
In spite of these advancements, there is some information that the manufacturers aren’t
advertising. Take a look at these ten little-known facts about infant formula.
1. The linings of of formula cans contain  bisphenol-A, or BPA, a plastics chemical which mimics the female hormone estrogen.
Exposure to BPA can potentially cause reproductive problems and early puberty.
Experts are concerned that the chemical may leach into the formula and be ingested
by infants, who are far more vulnerable to adverse effects
from contaminants than adults.
Liquid and ready-to-feed formulas are more susceptible to this leaching than powdered formulas.
The FDA reports that they are currently accepting applications for alternative
substances with which to line formula cans; however, they do not recommend changing a
child’s feeding habits based solely on this concern.


2. Feeding an infant formula can increase the child’s risk
of developing food allergies and inflammatory bowel disease, a disease which
encompasses the chronic conditions ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease,
according to new research performed by nutritionist Sharon Donovan
at the University of Illinois. The study also shows an increased risk for asthma in
formula-fed infants. These conditions result from the formula’s inability to activate
the appropriate immune system genes within the digestive tract. Without the activation
of these genes, a child’s digestive system
is left vulnerable to a lifetime of adverse effects.

It is impossible to produce sterile powdered infant formula
. According to the World Health Organization, current technology does
not allow for powdered formula
to be manufactured in such a way that it is sterile,
even when it is produced
within current hygienic guidelines.
4. Baby formula may be contaminated with the harmful
bacteria enterobacter sakazakii and salmonella enterica.
Since powdered formula cannot be manufactured to be sterile,
these bacteria can be present and cause severe illness in children.
The WHO reports that,
although these organisms cannot thrive in dry formula, they can survive in it for up to and possibly
exceeding one year. Once the formula is mixed, it provides an ideal habitat
for the growth of these illness-causing bacteria.
In rare cases, infection with these pathogens
can even cause a child’s death.

5. Formula feeding increases a child’s risk of childhood obesity
and of developing diabetes. A White House study, released by first lady
Michelle Obama in May 2010, explains that babies who are formula-fed are 22 percent
more likely to be obese. Formula derived from cow’s milk contains about twice as much
protein as human milk. This excess protein results in excess insulin production
and prolonged insulin response. Even well into childhood, children who were
formula-fed as infants show low levels of the hormon leptin,
which is known to “inhibit appetite and control body fatness.”


6. Soy-based formulas contain plant estrogens which can cause a
variety of reproductive issues. Soy formulas are an alternative for children with
cow’s milk allergies and for vegan families. While studies have shown that
obesity and diabetes risks are lower for children who consume soy-based formulas,
they are not without their own set of dangers.

A study published by
The Society for the Study of Reproduction in March 2010 found
that newborn mice who were fed a formula containing the soy plant estrogen
genistein once daily developed various reproductive problems,
as well as abnormalities of the thymus gland. The study mimicked
the level of genistein that would be found in a human infant who was regularly fed soy formula.
It raises serious questions about the safety and long-term effects
of soy-based formulas in infants.


7. The FDA does not test infant formulas prior
to their marketing and sale.
While the FDA inspects manufacturing facilities and performs quality tests
on formulas once a year, they do not test infant formula to ensure that it
meets nutritional and quality requirements before it is allowed to be sold.
Instead, the FDA relies solely on the manufacturers’
own reports that their products meet federal standards.


8. Infant formulas often contain perchlorate, the base chemical in
solid rocket fuels. In March 2009, the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) released a study which found
perchlorate in 15 brands of infant formula.
The EPA insists that the levels of the chemical found in formula pose no threat to infants.
However, according to the CDC, the drinking water in 26 states contains
high levels of perchlorate. If tap water and powdered baby formula,
both containing the hazardous chemical, are mixed together,
the levels may be high enough to cause serious harm to infants.


9. FDA testing has revealed that some baby formulas also contain the
chemicals melamine and cyanuric acid. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
has stated that these chemicals “can cause renal failure by production of
insoluble melamine cyanurate crystals in renal tubules and/or calculi in kidneys, ureter,
urethra or the urinary bladder.” In other words, when these chemicals are present
in baby formula, they can cause kidneys stones, kidney and urinary
blockages and infections, and kidney failure. In extreme cases, complications of these
conditions may result in the deaths of infants. The FDA performs tests
for melamine and cyanuric acid in baby formulas, which can be viewed on their website.


10. Many brands of formula contain ingredients which are generally acknowledged
to contain or produce monosodium glutamate, or MSG. The organization
Truth in Labeling provides information from a Canadian study
which found MSG, a dangerous neurotoxin, in at least five brands of baby formula.
Although testing was performed only on Canadian products,
all five companies manufacture and sell products in the United States as well.
The organization also names ingredients from four different types of U.S. baby
formula which are known to contain MSG or to produce it during processing. <di

These ingredients include enzymatically hydrolyzed reduced minerals,
casein hydrolysate, carrageenan, and maltodextrin.
Unfortunately, the companies that manufacture infant formula DO NOT
always tell the entire story. Strict guidelines are put in place to
help ensure the safety of formula-fed infants, but unfortunately some
problems have still arisen with these infant products.
It is imperative that parents have all the information possible and that
our society continues to demand higher and higher standards in the production
of products for our children and babies.


<diOriginal Sources : U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Update on Bisphenol A for Use in Food Contact Applications: January 2010U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Infant FormulaU.S. Food and Drug Administration
FDA 101: Infant Formula

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Clinical Testing of Infant Formulas with Respect to Nutritional Suitability for Term Infants

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Guidelines Concerning Notification and Testing of Infant Formulas

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Frequently Asked Questions about FDA’s Regulation of Infant Formula

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Domestic Infant Formula Testing Results

Amy Burkholder, CNN
Group Sounds Alarm on Infant Formula Cans

Thea Edwards & Wendy Hessler, Environmental Health News
Soy Formula Affects Reproductive Development in Mice

World Science & University of Illinois Staff
Why Is Breast Milk Best? It’s in the Genes, Scientists Say

Elizabeth Simpson, The Virginian-Pilot
How the Fight against Flab Can Start before Birth

January W. Payne, U.S. News & World Report
5 Reasons That May Explain Why Type 1 Diabetes In on the Rise

U.S. News & World Report
Health Buss: Dropping Cancer Rates and Other Health News

Brian Hartman, ABC News
Rocket Fuel Chemical Found in Baby Formula

World Health Organization
Questions and Answers on Melamine

World Health Organization
Melamine and Cyanuric Acid: Toxicity, Preliminary Risk Assessment and Guidance on Levels in Food

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Melamine Health Impact Assessment

World Health Organization
Safe Preparation, Storage, and Handling of Powdered Infant Formula

Truth in Labeling
Infant Formula

Let’s Move
Early Childhood

Biology of Reproduction
Acute and Chronic Effects of Oral Genistein Administration in Neonatal Mice

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