Train Up a Child

Celebrating My Daughter’s 2nd birthday, one sister’s wedding and another sister’s birthday I bring you a labour of love Mizaj4Christ” The Voices” Watch carefully and you will spot the celebrants.

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  Train up a child in the way he should go:

and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 

 Proverbs 22:6


Jasmine was in a relationship with a dirty homeless boy named Aladdin.
Snow White lived alone with 7 men.
Pinnochio was a liar.
…Robin Hood was a thief.
Tarzan walked around without clothes on.
…A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him.
Cinderella lied and snuck out at night to attend a party
Can You Blame Us?

Friday 21st January 2011


Yesterday I was in a panic as the sudden realisation hit me it was my daughters second birthday. I had done didily squat in the preparation department. I put out an urgent FB message for tips and ideas from my fb friends whom I knew almost certainly would be mom’s like me. I will share with you a list of some of the suggestions in this posting later on. I want to talk today about an observation I made yesterday in my local shopping mall.




I was sitting down on one of these benches minding my own business.    When I made an observation. 

 Children seem to be ruling the parents.  When did this happen? All around  It seems to be an epidemic in this country. One in particular that grabbed my attention was this boy , I guess he would be 3 or 4 years old.  His mother was trying to strap him in his buggy.


 He started shouting “I hate you”


 Imagine, that poor mother probably laboured for over ten hours to give birth to him, carried him in her womb for 9 months.  Looking at this scene before my eyes I started to think I can now understand why some mothers eat their young.


What shocked me was when the mother overreacted and started shouting at him like she was his equal. 


 She screamed “Jesus Christ … just get in there”.


Unsure of what to do  ,should I intervene where my nose wasn’t wanted?  I chose instead to pack up my two precious, little girls and moved away.  I am so saddened at times and overcome with compassion when I see people struggling so. I don’t know

the lady’s history or if she even realised the POWER in the name she was using so nonchalantly. She might have had the grace and the patience to handle the situation more delicately. As a mother of three young girls I find it a struggle at times with these very qualities, the difference is JESUS. He encourages us to cultivate these qualities where our flesh fails HE fills in the rest.


 I pray daily for patience to do the job GOD has set for me to do. Being a Mother is a DIVINE responsibility

 and as such we should do it passionately. Regardless of all the conflicting

VOICES out there telling us how best to raise our children.  

Defending biblical truths are mandatory for this day and age–there is a surreal amount
of pressure to walk away from or make light of the scriptures.

 Titus 2 clearly states that older women are to teach the younger women to love their husbands,
love their children, be self controlled and pure, to be busy at home,
to be kind and be subjects of their husband so that no one will malign the word of God.


It is so important as we raise them not just for GOD’s glory but so others around us

can see how a life lived for CHRIST is worthy of note!

Thinking, that my girls hadn’t, witnessed it.  My 4 year old later in the car brought up the subject.

The little voice interrupted, my thoughts from the back seat, as I was rehearsing:


Cake check

Presents check

 Wrapping paper check

Swimming Arm Bands check

Wedding Card check (Whoops! Forgot)


She said in a stern voice “ I don’t think Jesus would be very happy mommy.” 


 My thoughts were full of the cares of getting everything ready.

 I weakly said “No, I don’t suppose He would be;”


  That’s it, that is all I said my mind went blank. It  tormented me that I didn’t  give her a better answer.

It’s a cautionary tale that you ladies must always be on your guard and be equipped to answer your little one. 

 It is such a sacred trust that God has given to us to train up these young ones. 

 I would like to admonish  you ladies . Never miss an opportunity to impress  upon their hearts, The need for a saviour.

I am so glad that tomorrow is another day.  I can then have a 2nd chance to To do just that. 


  Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression

 and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty;

visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children,

and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.
Exodus 34:7


What a solemn thought! How we parent our children can have far reaching consequences not just this generation but until the third and fourth generation. The good news is that HE is a GOD that forgives and gives us mercy. Don’t you just LOVE that How can we not love HIM?


On a lighter note How did the birthday Girl’s day go so far

She had an intamate   Princess themed breakfast Thanks to Sarah Dawes for her idea and partly to Inclaire as most of the pressies were from the £ shop and , Nat’s idea on the food and songs.




I got off work at 10:30 so We were up till after 1am







My husband wrapped the presents I set the table and put up the decorations




The Above photos were all taken the night before



then tucked in to her birthday cake


Stopped for swimming



The girls went off to get a KNICKERBOCKER GLORY icecream with their dad while I went to visit Mrs Saunders one of our shutin from church with my pastor.


Then presents

Then pizza thanks partly to Natalie’s suggestion


My sister is getting married tomorrow so they are going to London to drop my eldest who is going to be a flower girl. So no doubt seeing their other little cousins will be a treat for the birthday girl.




I’ll post the rest of the pics of the birthday girl and the wedding snap next Tuesday if I’m allowed. I also have a poem I just wrote which I’m making into a 3 minute video. I’ll be posting that real soon to

May God Bless you as you make your home a place where angels can dwell




Sarah D  , Derbyshire

Have a princess day – for the entire day she is the princess she gets to wear dress up/best clothes and gets special place at meal times etc and her siblings get to practice servanthood as they “serve” her she can make a tiara etc during day or google family days out in your area and there r sum good websites with lots of ideas – or try to arrange a special trip out just her and daddy/mummy – wen my last one turned 2 daddy took her out to buy bday pressie – a build a bear

Lisa S ,Essex

why dont u visit the farm or something! beckon farm is free!

or pop down to southend for a few rides that never fail

Natalie W,London

Take her to KidSpace there’s lots of indoor activity. Then dedicate the evening to her. Favourite foods, a cake her favourite songs. U can also have family worship that celebrates her life showing pictures of her from birth til now etc and giving God thanks for her life

Inclaire S, USA

Give her a big cardboard box  covered in pretty wrapping paper, with many small items, u buy from a second hand or dollar shop, wash those from the second hand shop first.Make sure there is a wooden spoon and a old pan in there for her to bang. She will be happy.


on “Train Up a Child
3 Comments on “Train Up a Child
  1. Good article (as usual)

    Good, thoughtful article as usual. Soooooo true. Keep up the good work of mother, writer, poet, movie maker and so much more 🙂

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